Take Live-Stream classes or On Demand classes any time! Drop into classes for $10 (Active Aging is just $5!). Try your first class on us (Live/On Demand) with promo code FIRSTFREE.
Save on the drop-in rate by purchasing a package. Packages expire after 6 months.
This is by far the BEST VALUE! Monthly Unlimited members get 100+ classes/month for $69. ProActive Aging members get 25+ classes/month and for just $39/month. See below for details on each membership category.
Memberships can be cancelled at any time (and will conclude at the end of the current billing cycle).
Join Leslie in her Private Chapel Hill Studio for One-on-One ($85/hour) or Partner Training ($50/person/hour). Click Here for more Info.
Join Leslie Virtually to Transform your Body via Nutrition. $300/month with a minimum 4-month commitment. Click Here for more Info.
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For the month of March, Leslie will be teaching Cardio Kickboxing in place of Shannon's Zumba classes. Join us on Wednesdays at12pm Eastern/9am Pacific!